This ayurvedic massage oil is particularly adapted to Kapha type people, who tend to accumulate toxins, to store water, to have a slow blood circulation, a skin which lacks tonicity and a certain frilosity.
Earth and water predominate in Kapha people.
In the Kapha dosha, the attributes unctuous, dense, firm, slow, stable, heavy, cold and viscous are predominant.
Kapha massage oil stimulates, tones and gives elasticity to the skin. Obesity, cellulite, high cholesterol and diabetes are Kapha dosha imbalances.
Since Kapha dosha is unctuous, a small amount of oil should be used. Since the cold attribute predominates, hot oil is used (but less than in the case of Vata).
Kapha people can be recognized by their thick, shiny skin and hair, which tend to become oily. They often have problems with weight gain and water retention. Cellulite is a Kapha dosha imbalance. So is depression and lethargy.
Oily and rough skin, dilated pores and excessive sebaceous secretion.
Blackheads and pimples. Common and cystic acne.
Lightening process.
Water retention or edema.
Late stages of cellulite, fibrous proliferation and scarring fibrosis.
Apathy, demotivation and states of lack of energy and indifference.
Based on sesame oil, almond oil and mustard oil. Mustard oil is widely used in Ayurveda to treat Kapha dosha disorders. Mustard oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties, is rich in B vitamins, vitamin A and vitamin E, and contains folic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. The oil of masssage ayurvedic Kapha contains the following natural assets:
In this video discover what are the characteristics of a Kapha body and mind.